Digital tools
With our digital tool Sikt, you gain insight into waste quantities, composition, and climate footprint, all in one place. The information is visualized to provide a clear overview, making it easy to identify areas with the greatest potential for improvement and emission reduction. This also facilitates the communication of knowledge in a clear and concise manner.
With Sikt, you get complete visibility. Two modules are available
Carbon Footprint: Assess the climate benefits of waste management, down to the type of waste and collection method.
Waste Analysis: All your litter analyses gathered in one place. Observe trends over time or identify areas with the greatest potential for improvement
In the dashboard you can simulate the climate benefits of various measures. You can observe the impact of improving the sorting of different types of waste, investing in more zero-emission vehicles, or sending residual waste for energy recovery at a facility with higher energy utilization.
The tool helps prioritize efforts for climate action where it matters most. The information is presented in a way that makes it easy to communicate the importance of extracting more resources to employees, decision-makers, politicians, and other stakeholders.
With digital carbon footprint analysis, you can:
- Extract detailed data
- Simulate the climate effects of multiple measures
- Benchmarking between municipalities/inter-municipal waste companies (IKS)
- Export visual graphs for presentations
The Waste Analysis module provides an interactive view of results from your litter analyses. Here, you get the data you need, visually presented with graphs that can be easily downloaded and used in presentations.
This gives you a comprehensive overview of the resources in the waste and where interventions are most needed.
Interested in learning more about our digital tools?
We have advisors with the expertise and capacity to assist you and your business in becoming more circular.