The Road to Circular Plastics

Commissioned by Handelens Miljøfond, Systemiq and Mepex have mapped the Norwegian plastic economy. Seven sectors collectively account for 80% of Norway’s plastic consumption. The project’s objective has been to develop a clear “roadmap” for the use of plastic in various sectors.

The project considers plastic usage, waste production, and greenhouse gas emissions in conjunction, assessing the impact of measures and actions at various stages of the value chain. The effects of different measures are illustrated through scenarios, comparing them with the trajectory if we continue the current course. The scenarios explore increased circularity in the value chain, including achieving net-zero emissions.

Conducted in collaboration with Systemiq, the project is based on the methodology from “Breaking the Plastic Wave,” developed by Systemiq and Pew Charitable Trust in 2020. Mepex’s role has been to provide data on material flows and contribute to system understanding and professional input.

The project’s results are compiled in three reports on ‘Single-Use Plastics,’ ‘Plastics with Long Lifespan,’ and a ‘Synthesis Report’ summarizing the key insights.

Period: 2021 – 2023 Team:
Miriam Mekki, Carl Frederik Mørch-Kontny, Espen Mikkelborg, Frode Syversen, Kristiane Rabben, Simen Randby
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Espen Mikkelborg
Espen Mikkelborg Senior advisor – Data capture and analysis +47 980 04 108 |